Monday, June 2, 2008

MLF's Polenta Casserole

Polenta casserole with spicy Italian sausage, homemade tomato sauce and thick slices of mozzerella.

This is MLF's famed dish. He's been raving about it for months now. He claims it is one of his favorite foods in the world. Finally I was able to try it for myself last week when he decided to cook me dinner after my trip back from Chicago. It's pretty darn good (even though I made a very simliar recipe long ago), but I'd say this is even better because as you know, food always tastes better when others prepare it for you! And because this is SPECIAL polenta. By SPECIAL, I mean that this elusive polenta cornmeal was sought after for over 1.5 hours and at many groc stores. Poor MLF didn't realize that polenta was made with cornmeal! After scouring every grocery store shelf in Charlotte and enlisting the help of clueless store employees for this "polenta" stuff, he realized he could use cornmeal. Note that Harris Teeter employees!
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